Contribute to a future of healing, growth and transformation.
Ways to donate
Partner with us through donation. There are many ways to financially support the transformative work at Wagner Hills.
You can give a one-time gift or sign up to be a recurring partner each month. Fill out the form below to donate online now.
BY Phone or MAIL
If you prefer to make a donation by phone or mail. You can call us at (604) 856-9432 or send cheques to:
Wagner Hills Farm Society
8061 264 Street
Langley BC, V1M 3M3
Planned Giving
If you are interested in a legacy donation through your estate in the future, our development team would be honoured to speak with you about partnering this way.
Wagner Building Campaign
The Farm has provided healing, growth, and transformation for men on the road to recovery for over 40 years. After the last decade of growth, we have a vision to build towards the next 40 years. We now feel confident that this is the time to move forward as ask that you would consider partnering with us to see this vision through.
Help us build for the next 40 years.
Do you have Canadian charitable Status?
Wagner Hills is a registered Canadian charity that provides a tax-deductible receipt for all donations over $20. The charitable registration number is: BN11928 7514 RR0001. For questions about tax receipts, please contact the donor relations team at (604) 856-9432. Tax receipts are mailed out annually.
Where do donations to Wagner Hills go?
All donated funds are directed to programs and projects approved by the board based on areas of greatest need. Questions about the programs and projects supported by donations can be directed to the donor relations team at (604) 856-9432.
Does Wagner Hills accept planned giving?
Large donations connected to an estate are called planned giving. This is a gift deferred to the future. If this is something you are interested in, our donations team would love to speak with you about legacy partnership options.
will I receive a tax receipt for my donation?
Wagner Hills will distributed a tax receipt for donations totalling $20 or more.